
Enhancing Business Capability



As the world of business faced challenges of disruption, organizations defined the capability of their businesses either by measuring profitability or budgetability, depending on their business model. Financial measurement metrics like EBIDTA values, CAGR rates, overshadowed the much-needed focus on understanding the health of processes that an organization used to earn profits.  Aspects like strategy – execution alignments, primary business direction, rate of innovation, focus on the quality of governance, were terms that cropped up at reviews or launches.


The hustle of “getting things done” along with a focus on achieving critical “organizational milestones” occupied a larger mindshare. A quick measure of business capability was “Task or Goal accomplishment” and the “returns to investors or stakeholders” while ignoring the key focus on “Cause and Effect relationships” which formed the complex web of an organization and prevented it from becoming sustainable in terms of growth and staving off or adapting to disruptive threats.


The current age has thrown up the need for an organization to look beyond, the obvious tangible factors to a mix of the obvious and the not so obvious. Businesses now are looking at effectively combining detail with dynamic complexity; in the domains of reimagining key “Customer Experiences”, relooking at the consistency of “Sales Methodologies” being practised and inventing new ways of Revenue Generation either by reexamining their Business Methods or creating new and more flexible Business models.


Enhancement of business capability, now requires a “Systems” view rather than the linear view of the past.


When a client engages with us, they experience our methods that are embedded and driven by immersive due diligence and analytics, to see and locate their key focus areas for creating a Culture that does not limit business capability or adaptability.


Using our proprietary platform of Systemic Linkages Analysis & Insights (SLAI), we partner with our clients to identify their Key Focus Areas linked to Organizational Productivity, Profitability, Ensuring Talent Retention, Revenue Drivers and Business growth.


Active immersion and constant dialogues with our experts, makes us capable of co-creating desired states, map and prioritize key action areas, analyzing the impact based on critical linkages thereby allowing our clients to implement scalable and solutions that can be repurposed, and create mechanisms to monitor changes over time.


  • A desire to look beyond stop gap incremental change initiatives.
  • A burning desire to integrate systemic adaptations and changes to stay competitive in the face of industry disruptions.
  • A need to stay anchored with the strategic intent in the age of digitization and disruption.
  • A need to create a culture that translates strategy into results.
  • A belief in scientific methods & not opinions.


The organizational hypotenuse is the connector between the Foundation and the growth aspirations of any organization, and needs to be “context” and not “control”.


The Organizational Hypotenuse – “Context not Control”

The value in recognizing and integrating the “Context” as a fundamental connector, which creates a means to enable and drive desired growth, in achieving business maturity.

While business direction and strategy have long been felt as the key drivers to success, in the fluid times of today, it’s “contextual intelligence” that has become the key anchor for success.


Gaining “Contextual Intelligence” even before you strategize

The necessity to shift from a prevalent “Competitive Focus” to gain a contextual understanding, to avoid dilution of the “Strategic Intent” of the organization.

While engaging in vigorous debates, we have realized that while there appears to be a universal agreement on the presupposition that, Culture is omnipresent and it plays a crucial role in shaping the manifestations of behaviors in organizations;


The Organizational Conundrum of Culture & Structure

The perennial dilemma of prioritizing between “culture” & “structure” in an organization.

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