
Optimizing Individual Contribution Capability

CULTURE OUTCOME || PURPOSE DRIVEN CHANGEOptimizing Individual Contribution Capability


In the years preceding the pandemic, the performance of an individual was a measure that was almost always equated, to how well an individual was producing output or in other words getting results over a period of time. Thus, metrics developed over a period, catered to a “partial / one dimensional view” of assessing the  contribution capability of an Individual.


Factors such as how well was an individual aligned to the role, linked to the role perceptions of an individual, the quality and quantity of inputs provided to the individual, their attitudes and beliefs about themselves and their roles, was limited to sporadic interventions, which were expected to build  on the contribution capabilities of an individual.


What emerged was a linear view of how individual contribution capabilities could be optimized, however “sustainability” was almost always overlooked, leading to the “Paretto” coming into play.


In the post pandemic world, sustainability of individual contribution capabilities, have become a key variable that is for sustained Business results, with alignment to organizational purpose becoming a key criterion.


The enhancement of individual contribution capabilities in organizations, is now a mix of variables that require equal focus on complex linkages augmented and informed by data pertaining to individual contributions. The critical challenges that have emerged there, are those of individual goal alignment to organizational goals, along with other factors that help or hinder optimal organizational utilization of individual capabilities, that need to be explored and ascertained, while keeping focus on the factors causing delays and the rate of adaptation to change.


When a client engages with us, we enable them to question certain beliefs about the necessity for a deep dive into Individual contribution capability enhancements.


Using our proprietary platform, Capability Assessment and Enhancement (CAE), we partner with our clients, mapping out a systemic view of their desired and current states, to highlight critical linkages that assist us in creating custom benchmarks, integrating a solution and measuring change over time


With active dialogues and deep engagement with our clients, we partner with them to augment their efforts towards achieving their business goals in terms of Growing and Sustaining the Contribution Capabilities of Individual employees that propel Consistent Business Growth.


  • A desire to look beyond stop gap incremental change initiatives.
  • A burning desire to integrate systemic adaptations and changes to stay competitive in the face of industry disruptions.
  • A passion for a purpose driven culture & realignment.
  • A need to stay anchored with the strategic intent in the age of digitization.
  • A need to look beyond plug and play solutions.
  • A belief in scientific methods & not opinions.


The moment Individual capability emerges on the horizon as an improvement area from organizational surveys, the Human Resources teams swing into action to address these needs in the forms of Training or Learning and development interventions.


Changing the way you look at Optimizing Individual Contribution Capability

A necessity for and the importance of giving adequate and equal focus, to “hidden” factors, that can impact Individual Contribution Capabilities.

This process has been practiced, with a flow of “Analytical problem solving” with “problem breakdowns” and “solutioning” have been tried with a view to feel comfortable and insulated against “larger challenges”.


Why is looking at Contribution Linkages critical?

The need for taking a “Systems View” in an organization for making “paradigm shifts”, that can optimize “Individual” contributions in an organization.

Only a few such Organizations exist in the world today where an individual is driven by an intrinsic force to contribute in making the Organizational intent transform into reality.


The great divide between Organizational Intent and Individual Contribution Capability

The necessity for an organization to take stock and gear up, to reconsider bridging the critical divide, between individual and organizational intent.

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