
Inside – Out Brand Building For A Services Major

Case Study Abstract

The case is about an organization involved in the business of National Financial Services, Travel and Auto services across the country. Consisting of approximately 4300 employees, it had a formal structure consisting of an executive team, members of staff and a Board of Directors.

Our partners in US were asked to build, operate and transfer a program that would build a brand from inside out.

The organization felt very comfortable with their external brand messaging, however their challenge lay in the absence of an internal communications plan for their internal branding and culture. The process was one that was complex that included, creation of a brand promise, and then ensuring that the same was broadcasted and institutionalized within the organization.

This resulted in them embarking on a process, in partnership with our US partners, that focused on establishing the brand identity of the organization, along with the constant handholding that was required to take a project of this magnitude to successful completion.

The key challenges of this project were to ensure that Performance metrics of each employee moved up and Employee Engagement increased.
At the end of the project the results were:

  • A 27% increase in a key performance metric of Relationships per Member.
  • Employee engagement figures showed a steady rise.
  • Organizational profitability increased significantly allowing them to merge with several other firms and finally become one of the top three Organizations in the country.

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